Environmental, social and governance (ESG)


Using an ESG framework to address the challenges of an evolving world

The world is facing an array of environmental and social challenges owing to dramatic changes that are taking place in the environment and human society. Solving these challenges depends on everyone getting involved: governments, businesses, NGOs and all of us who call planet Earth home. Key challenges to be addressed include the following.



Environmental challenges 

  • Climate change and global warming with fossil fuels as the main cause 
  • Overuse of natural resources 
  • Waste (such as plastics) in the oceans and on land  
  • ​Deforestation and forest fires


Between 1990 and 2021, the warming effect on our climate by long-lived greenhouse gases (GHG) rose by nearly 50%, with CO2 accounting for about 80% of this increase.*

*More bad news for the planet: greenhouse gas levels hit new highs

Social challenges 

  • Human rights abuses and discrimination (based on, for example, gender, sexuality, race, and creed)  
  • Modern slavery  
  • Gender pay gap in many business sectors 
  • Increase in the ageing population, which is putting pressure on younger workers to address the shortfall of labour  
  • Greater reliance on technology (driven in part by the shift to hybrid and remote working) as people look for a better work/life balance, and businesses look to reduce the overheads of running offices and workspaces 


Governance challenges 

  • Expectation on businesses to act in a sustainable and responsible way 
  • Compliance with European and national laws  
  • Need for ethical, trustworthy business practices and robust governance processes 
  • Consideration for ethics and sustainability in the supply chain 
  • A balanced corporate strategy 


ESG initiatives at Konica Minolta 

A global company with more than 39,000 employees in 150 countries, Konica Minolta takes its environmental, social and governance responsibilities seriously. We aim to be a robust and innovative company that keep evolving and contributing to the sustainable growth of society and individuals, and we use an ESG framework to navigate our efforts and obligations. 


UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 

Our ESG approach is guided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which represent a global plan for all nations to work together to:
  • End extreme poverty 
  • Fight inequality and injustice 
  • Protect our planet 
  • Encourage growth and increased prosperity


Konica Minolta is committed to using its innovative capacity and digital technologies to help achieve the SDGs.
At Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe, our commitment to the SDGs involves a particular focus on the following six, with climate action considered the most pressing priority: 


The intention isn't to fulfil all the goals at once, but to set realistic targets and make ambitious contributions. As a company, we continuously work on KPIs and control systems to reliably track their achievement. 


UN Global Compact 

Our ESG approach also follows the United Nations Global Compact, which we signed in December 2008. We are committed to complying with the Compact's 10 principles and its precautionary and responsible approach towards the protection of human rights, the environment, labour issues and anti-corruption.  


Our ratings and rankings 

We are very proud that our ESG commitment is continuously recognised internationally by third parties.


We've been evaluated by the following international CSR rating agencies:


EcoVadis: Gold Level Recognition Medal in the EcoVadis 2023 sustainability ratings 


Global 100: Listed among the '2023 Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World' (Corporate Knights) for the 6th time 


CDP Supplier: CDP Supplier Engagement Leader, 2022 


Corporate ESG Performance: Prime Status by the Germany-based ISS-ESG (formerly oekom research AG) since 2011 

Ein Bild, das Website enthält.Automatisch generierte Beschreibung

S&P Global’s Sustainability Yearbook 2023: ranked in the top 5% of companies within its industry 

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